It’s caucus time again and as George Orwell once said “there is no such thing as ‘keeping out of politics…All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred and schizophrenia.” (He was probably thinking of the Town Council when he wrote that.) Fortunately for New Canaan the contested race for the Board of Education contains none of those things. We have 5 excellent candidates for the 3 seats. Here are the 3 most excellent picks. I’m voting for Bob Naughton, a father of 4 who I have known many years. Bob has experience in both technology and in the Educational Assessment field, two critical skills that should be quite useful to this board. I’m voting for Julie Mackle who I’ve known since we graduated New Canaan High School in 1985. Julie was the smartest in our class and now has 30 years more perspective on what makes our schools great. I’m voting for Daniel Lagattuta because he also hails from the education field. He runs a small business providing professional development for teachers. His financial experience running a business and understanding of teacher development is a powerful combination that no other candidate provides.
John Engel III